Remote RVA System Solution The Client
Ericsson provides Recorded Voice Announcement (RVA) systems for clients that include Australias largest telecommunications carrier, Telstra.
Braintrees RVA tool loads recorded voice announcements onto telephone exchanges for users of telephony products and/or services. RVAs include promotional announcements, an incorrect number has been dialled or is no longer in service, insufficient phone card credit and several other recorded announcements.
The Problem
Ericsson were looking to upgrade their RVA system with a mechanism that would allow employees to easily manage and maintain the delivery of recorded voice announcements.
Ericssons existing RVA system used legacy equipment, was unreliable and regularly delivered low quality announcements to customers. This poor delivery quality was reflecting on Ericssons clients, as customers would perceive that the poor level of service was coming from Telstra and not the RVA system provider.
The system was very difficult to use, configure, maintain and the system used proprietary software and hardware. This meant that to upgrade or maintain the system was usually more expensive and less readily available.
The Solution
Braintree was approached to use its data communications expertise to design and develop an enhanced loading mechanism for delivering and managing recorded voice announcements.
Braintrees RVA solution simplified, enhanced and integrated the management of RVAs. The RVA tool is a simple management hardware and software package that enables remote management and maintenance of the entire RVA system.
Braintrees RVA tool replaced the proprietary equipment with open standard components that enabled the system to use an array of parts and features that were not necessarily the same brand or model.
The unique remote management and maintenance features do not constrain the network administrator, help desk and support staff to the same physical location. The RVA system management and support staff can access the system via the secure intranet/internet access point. Field technicians can also access the system remotely via the local exchanges creating a decentralised and remote mechanism for support staff to optimise and update the network quickly and easily.
Braintrees RVA tool stores messages on a remote secure server where access is granted via Secured Socket Layer link and User ID and password IP validation. Recorded messages are downloaded to the server where the administrator can allocate the messages to particular products, services or customers in a database.
Braintrees RVA tool enables the administrator to easily:
The RVA tool provides real time reporting to validate the delivery of the recorded messages. This enables message quality checking, successful/unsuccessful delivery, fast re-issuing of unsuccessfully delivered messages and/or fault management.
Braintree simplified the components, reduced the complexity, and increased the reliability in managing and delivering the relevant voice announcements to the exchange. Braintree also added additional features like technicians being able to securely access the system from the local exchange to download relevant files. This field maintenance previously could only be performed where the servers were located.
The Benefits
Braintrees solution provided higher quality recorded announcements, in a more timely-manner and easier creating a positive reflection on both Ericsson and its clients.
Braintrees RVA system solution satisfied Ericsson and their customers by delivering a system that was
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